
1.What is Anxiety?Anxiety is a normal human emotion that is exhibited as a result of being exposed to extensive, intense, and persistent worry over everyday situations.  It exhibits symptoms like rapid breathing, fast heart rate, sweating, and sudden fatigue, and so on. While anxiety is a normal emotion that is experienced when you are in a new or stressful situation like taking a test or on a stage, it can become a disorder also. It will make you apprehensive of everyday situations, making it quite difficult to live a normal life. Anxiety neurosis is a common mental health disorder that is characterized by anxiety, fear, and worry that interferes with one’s daily life activities. Anxiety SymptomsAlthough the main symptoms of anxiety include feeling anxious, fear, or worry, it also exhibits several other signs and symptoms like:

  • Uneasiness
  • Pain
  • Fear
  • Inability to remain calm
  • Sleep problems
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tingling hands or feet
  • Feeling cold or sweaty
  • Fast breathing
  • Dry mouth
  • Heart palpitations
  • Tense muscles
  • Nausea
  • Experiencing gastrointestinal problems
  • Dizziness
  • Sense of impending doom
  • Avoiding feared places or objects
  • Inability to concentrate

The actual symptoms depend on the type of anxiety. However, the symptoms mentioned above are common to most anxiety disorders. 2.Who Is At Risk?Your chances of developing an anxiety disorder depend on the following risk factors:

  • Trauma: Kids who have experienced trauma or abuse or even witnessed traumatic events are more likely to develop an anxiety disorder at one point or another in their life. Adults are also prone to developing an anxiety disorder or panic attack if they have experienced traumatic incidents.
  • Stress: The stress caused by a health ailment or illness will lead to excessive worry and anxiety which may develop into an anxiety disorder.
  • Stress Build-up: When stressful situations keep adding up in your life, they can trigger excessive fear or anxiety. This will ultimately seep into your daily activities as well.
  • Personality: Studies have shown that people of certain personalities are more prone to developing an anxiety disorder than others.
  • Family History: Anxiety disorders are hereditary, making you prone to having one if anyone in your immediate family has it.

Causes of Anxiety DisordersSome of the causes of anxiety are:

  • Genetics: Genetics plays a huge role in social anxiety, separation anxiety, performance anxiety, and other forms of anxiety.
  • Brain Chemistry: Studies have shown that faulty circuits in the brain that are responsible for controlling fear and other emotions may also cause anxiety disorders.
  • Environmental stress: Life events have a major role in whether you will develop an anxiety disorder or not. Kids who have a happy childhood and have not experienced any trauma or abuse have a very low risk of developing an anxiety disorder.
  • Medical Causes: Certain medical ailments can cause symptoms that are similar to anxiety disorders.

3.How Is Anxiety Diagnosed?If you have been experiencing any symptoms of anxiety disorders, you need to see a medical professional for tests for anxiety as soon as possible. The doctor will first do a physical exam and ask you plenty of questions pertaining to your medical history as well as about any medications that you might be taking. This is done to rule out any underlying medical condition that might be triggering your anxiety symptoms. They will also order blood and urine tests to help them come to a diagnosis. Once the doctor clears out any suspicion of an underlying medical condition, they will conduct a psychological evaluation. This test for anxiety consists of detailed questions including your family history. Based on this evaluation, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis of whether you have an anxiety disorder or not.  4.How Is Anxiety Treated? Although there is no sure shot anxiety cure, you can still find relief with the help of counseling and medication. Regardless of what kind of phobia you have, it is essential to meet a medical professional to say goodbye to anxiety. In fact, even agoraphobia can be cured with counseling and medication. While several antidepressants are used to offer anxiety relief, the doctor will work with you to find the right medication and dosage. With the help of therapy, medication, and counseling, you will be able to get a grip on your anxiety disorder in about two to six weeks. With’s online video consultation, you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home to go searching for an anxiety doctor near me. You have easy access to the country’s best anxiety doctors, thanks to! 5.How Can Anxiety Disorders Be Prevented?Unfortunately, anxiety disorders cannot be prevented. However, there are certain things you can do to prevent the symptoms from overtaking your life. This involves switching to a healthy diet, cutting out caffeine and sugar from your diet. You also need to be very careful while taking any over-the-counter medication.

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